6705 Red Rd
Coral Gables
Business Hours
Monday - Tuesday -------- 9am - 5pm
Wednesday --------------- 9am - 3pm
Friday -------------------- 9am - 5pm
Based on true care and passion
Whether you are seeking a regular cleaning or a full smile transformation, Dr. Luger uses his foundation of experience, extensive training, and care-first policy to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
Experienced staff
Four generations of loyal customers have discovered the difference the highest-quality dental expert can make. Dr. Mark Luger. The choice of discerning dental patients.
Best possible equipment
Enter Dr. Luger’s state-of-the-art Coral Gables office, filled with cutting edge technology, and you are immediately transported to a place where anything is possible.
Excellence in Dentistry
For a Beautiful and
Healthy Smile
Mark S. Luger
Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)
Roxy Alonso
Registered Dental Hygienist
Lynne Longoria
Front Office Administrator
The experience you can count on
Your smile is in safe hands